
Myst switch
Myst switch

myst switch

I loved the Myst games growing up (played up to the third one) and I was excited to find a modern interpretation of the original game. I should have looked further into this game before purchasing it, because I feel cheated. I loved the Myst Honestly I'm just disappointed.

myst switch

Myst switch series#

Otherwise, this game started my love for the series and plan to finish each game on my PC. Things that you can interact with are even less obvious as everything blends together. The puzzles that are illogical/non-intuitive seem to have the problem magnified compared to the original. You need subtitles to know what is being said. The audio mixing in the original ending is horrendous. Lack of control configurations - The ending is confusing because nothing happens when you see the lovely picture of Riven. Your movement speed is always so damn slow, even after adjusting settings and using sprint. You also can't access it at all in the tram sequence. That being said, there are some reasons I didn't give this a 10: - The menu UI is bleh. The core game is there and it's accessible to a modern audience. I can't compare it to other versions because I've never played them (other than briefly trying the original afterwards). I can't compare it to other versions This is where my experience with Myst started, so it's hard for me to say I didn't have a great time. This is where my experience with Myst started, so it's hard for me to say I didn't have a great time.

Myst switch